The element of Air is associated with the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. People born under these signs are smart thinkers, whose energy is focused on learning and communication, oriented to the people and their customs. When it comes to travelling, they love visiting large cities.
The air signs are interested in culture and will not miss a chance to visit the museum or the theater. Their thirst for knowledge makes them curious travelers who want to learn more about the culture and people, soak up the atmosphere of daily life and learn a few words and phrases on the language of the country they are visiting. They love travelling and can quickly adapt to new environments, while the collected knowledge will give them the strength to return to the routine rhythm of life. Air signs like temperate climate, airy places with a lot of light, urban cities and they would gladly skip the adventurous exploring of untamed nature.
Geminis appreciate diversity and would like to go to educational travel and foreign language courses abroad. They are active and like meeting new people, so the best cities for them are London, Nürnberg, Bruges, Melbourne, New York, San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro. Countries in which the Geminis will certainly feel great are Belgium, North America and western England. According to traditional astrology, the areas assigned to Gemini are meadows, shoals or windy regions, but also all types of roads and airports.
People born under the sign of Libra appreciate classic beauty, but especially important characteristics of the destinations are natural features, cultural offerings and the street atmosphere. Libra’s energy is reflected by cities like Vienna, Lisabon, Antwerp, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Miami and Johannesburg. Countries and areas belonging to Libra are China, Tibet, Egypt, Austria, Argentina, Israel, Indochina. They like to visit parks, vineyards and places that are rich with cultural monuments.
Aquarians seek excitement and cities who “never sleep”. One of the best Aquarius characteristics is that they are very independent, love travelling and freedom of movement. They appreciate diversity, so they will combine pleasant walks on the street, picnic in the park, a tour around cultural heritage sites and visit the best restaurants, concerts and shows. They will certainly find what they are looking for in the cities of Hamburg, Bremen, Salzburg, Brighton and Detroit. Aquarians will feel a special energy in Poland, the northern part of Russia, in Sweden, in the Asian part of Turkey and in the Arab countries. According to traditional astrology, Aquarius is associated with the fjords, glaciers, geysers, canyons and gorges.