The Most Popular School Flooring

School vinyl flooring is the ideal and the most popular flooring option for heavy traffic areas such as schools, kindergartens, and other kid-friendly areas. Yes, hardwood and ceramic tiles were until recently No.1 solution, however, due to numerous benefits vinyl school flooring offers, it has become the most popular flooring solution worldwide.

 School flooring is not only long-lasting, waterproof, spill and scratch resistant, and easy to maintain, but is also affordable. It also comes in various colours, patterns and designs. Also, what makes the school flooring ideal for these places, is its resistance to heavy sharp objects, pressure and heavy foot traffic. Simply said, the school vinyl flooring is simply indestructible, of course, if properly installed and maintained. Here’s more on why vinyl is the most popular school flooring solution.

School Flooring

Durable – Schools are heavy traffic areas and need durable floors. School vinyl flooring is one of the most durable and long lasting floor solutions. If properly installed and maintained, school vinyl flooring will last for years. This type of flooring handles quite well the heavy foot traffic.

Design – Appearance is another reason why school vinyl flooring is popular. This popular school flooring is available in various colours and patterns and also features the look of natural ceramic tiles, stone or wood. This school flooring type is ideal not only for schools, but for all types of education-related centers, such as kindergartens, playgrounds, etc.

Waterproof and Water Resistant – Vinyl school flooring is designed to stand up to spills, scratches and other damages better than hardwood. Huge advantage of this school flooring type is exactly its resistance to water. The vinyl floor will not swell or buckle even if it is soaked in water.

Non Slippery – Another thing that is quite important when it comes to school flooring is to make sure it is not slippery. That is exactly what vinyl floor is known for. Compared to other types of floors, school vinyl flooring is a slip-resistant what makes it a safe flooring solution.

Anti Static – Heavy traffic areas produce static electricity that might cause an uncomfortable feeling. Since human body attracts electricity, it is important to install the anti static vinyl school flooring to reduce the electricity generate from many electrical devices present.