Popular & Creative Ways to Document Your Pregnancy


Pregnancy is such an exciting time in every woman’s life. It is a wonderful experience and something you would want to remember, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. Watching how your body changes and makes room for your growing baby is pretty fascinating. Many moms-to-be will start documenting their pregnancy as soon as they find out they are expecting. If you also want to document this special time in your life, there are plenty of fun and creative ways to do so. Here are some of the most popular ways to document your pregnancy!

Keep a journal

A pregnancy journal is an amazing way to write down all your feelings and thoughts throughout pregnancy. How did you feel when you tested and find out that you’re expecting? Write it in your own words. You can write little notes and add photos to capture your true feelings. If you want you can keep your journal private, but if you want you can also share it with your friends and family.

Weekly updates on chalkboards

This is one of the cutest and most popular ways of documenting pregnancies. Get a chalkboard and keep track of how far along you are. Decorate the chalkboard every week with cute little notes or fun facts about your little one and take a weekly photo to see how your body changes from week to week.

Start a blog

A pregnancy blog is a fun way to document your pregnancy. You can share your feelings, thoughts, daily pictures, and videos with the world online. Of course, the blog doesn’t have to be public if you don’t want. Your pregnancy blog can be an online space that you can share with your close friends and family members.

Start a scrapbook

Start a little scrapbook for your baby where you can store all your beautiful memories of pregnancy in one place. You can include things like sonogram pictures, quotes, notes, nursery inspiration, and daily pictures of your baby bump. The scrapbook can also be a great place to keep silly photos of you and your partner throughout pregnancy

Daily belly photo

This is a great way for friends and family to follow your progress. Take a special picture in the same place every day, so you can easily see your progression as the days go by. You can literally watch how your belly changes and grows. You could even take the photos and make a video of your belly getting larger.

Make videos

You can make a simple video (on your phone) each week to record your belly growth. Talk about what you are most excited about and share your feelings or thoughts throughout pregnancy. You could also create a fun time-lapse video with photos of your baby bump and cute baby songs. Someday you will look back on these memories and you will laugh.