Going to a Baby Shower? Here are Some Popular and Useful Gift Ideas

Baby showers are the perfect occasion to surprise mummies and daddies with thoughtful gifts. This is also a great way to take away some of the financial burden from them, provided you get something they can truly make good use of.

Popular Items

Sustainability has become quite a trend in the recent years so it is possible to find a variety of baby stuff that are both quality and sustainable, provided they are made of materials such as organic cotton and bamboo.

There are plenty of reasons to buy such items. For one, they’re ideal for the sensitive skin of a baby because they don’t contain chemicals typically found in synthetic fabrics, they’re breathable, hypoallergenic, and durable as they don’t lose their shape or colour even after many washes which is exactly what’s required of newborn baby gifts.

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Gifts for Mum and Baby

Some cool newborn baby gifts ideas are items that would be useful for the baby and the mommy too, and it’s not only breast pumps I’m referring to. There are items that could be of help in terms of sleep, something both parents and babies need the most in those first months, so giving them the gift of sleep is a great idea. This can be done in the form of toys with built-in cry sensors that get activated when the baby starts crying and start playing soothing sounds.

Furthermore, books are always more than welcome and so are journals where mums can capture every moment of their pregnancy, and keep track of their baby’s routines after birth, as well as each and every milestone. For mums who’d be bottle-feeding, you can get presents like time-saving formula makers along with a bottle drying pack that saves up space and holds up various cups and bottles while keeping them dry and bacteria-safe.

Baby nests are also a perfect choice because they provide babies with a safe environment when transitioning from the tummy to the crib, and their portability and familiar smell render them a great sleeping option when staying at the grandparents’ house or in a hotel room.

In terms of convenience, pillows should be your first choice because they offer the pregnant mum some comfort when sleeping or resting prior to giving birth, also to be used later with nursing and you can easily pack them up for travel as they’re lightweight and don’t take up much space. As you can see, instead of getting something for the bab alone or for both the mum and baby, you can also get gifts for new parents that aren’t baby related.

Additional Tips


Who doesn’t like something that’s personalised? Parents to be are particularly fond of such gifts as they want to keep memories of everything related to their baby, which is why keepsakes in the likes of ink and clay kits happen to be so popular. For this gift idea, if you feel like it, you can also add frames so the parents can use the to display their lovely ink and clay memories.

Narrow Down Your Choice

Now, when singling out specific items, onesies and nappy bags are among the most popular ones, as they’re always needed, but this also means that many other guests might come up with that idea. In light of that, it’s better to opt for some less popular, but still necessary items such as playmats, blankets and bath products.

Likewise, it’s advisable to consider if this is the first baby or the second one because there’s a difference – if it’s a first, the parents would find use in most gifts, whereas for the second, they might already have some items of their own. In case you’re buying for twins, ask the parents if they prefer two of the same or different gifts altogether.