Climbing Plants: Popular Way to Brighten Up Bare Walls or Add Height to Borders

Climbing plants are invaluable; their ability to transform and cover a surface is incomparable to any other kind of plant. They’re a unique decorative solution that can instantly bring your outdoors design scheme to a superior level covering your walls, fences, arches, or any other element that you want them to.

Climbing Plants

There is a wide variety of climbing plants in nature, so it is important to find the most appropriate type for your outdoor design scheme. Soil, surrounding flowers, sun exposure and shade available – all these factors play a great role in how your plants will thrive. Here is a bit of information on the different kinds of climbing plants for shade and for sun. Regardless the surface you are trying to cover, you will sure find something suitable here.

Supporting Climbing Plants

Some climbing plants such as Virginia and Ivy Creeper naturally climb to surfaces via aerial roots. Others, such as Clematis and Honeysuckle require a framework to scramble over. Wall shrubs don’t have the ability to climb naturally and require training and tying for support.

You should know that all plants of this kind require some training in the beginning. When planting your new climber, make sure to leave a 30-45 cm space between the plant and the base of a fence or wall so that the roots can receive water from rain. To provide support for your plants, you can add to the wall a series of vertical and horizontal wires, or a trellis attached to the wall. Use soft garden twine to tie in the new shoots. Make sure the garden structure is strong and secure because as the plants get older, they can become pretty heavy.

Climbing Plants for Containers

Both perennial and annual climbing plants can thrive in a container. Perennial plants usually become quite big as they get older, so you will have to put extra effort to train them if they grow in a container. Good annual climbers include Black-Eyed Susan, Morning Glory, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. If you’re looking for climbing plants suitable for patios, take a look at the next type.

Climbing Plants for North and East-Facing Walls

North facing walls are usually sunless and cold places, which makes them a less ideal growing place. However, there is a variety of plants that can do well in these conditions. East-facing walls are also considered cold as they only receive sunlight in the morning. But then again, there are a number of plants that can grow in these conditions. Pay extra care when selecting plants for east-facing walls as the early morning sunlight can cause damage to frozen leaves and buds. Carmellias can be a great option here.

Climbing Plants for West and South-Facing Walls

Opposite to North-facing walls, West and South-facing walls are bright and warm. A South-facing wall will absorb the heat of the sun during the day and keep it through the night, which makes these the perfect location for less hardy plants such as Abutilon, Ceanothus and Passion flower.