Want Your Restaurant to Be Popular? Make Cleaning Part of Your Daily Chores

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Equipment

It’s no secret when you want to get involved in the business world, you better start off with food. Food businesses are lucrative because people have a strong connection with food, always have and always will. The fact there are many accounts on the social networks dedicated to photos of meals is the perfect example, so having the dream of a restaurant come true is worth the shot – and the investment.

A word of caution though, is to pay attention to cleanliness. Sure, investing in the right restaurant and kitchen equipment, all the bits and pieces, is necessary but so is the purchase of commercial kitchen cleaning equipment. Sometimes, you may not have the time exactly to deal with it, especially when things get really busy in the kitchen, but if you want to attract all the customers, and keep them coming back for more, cleanliness is the way to go (along with an enriched diverse menu, and savoury ingredients).

Why is cleaning so important? Well, it’s a way of avoiding food contamination, not making the place attractive for bacteria, and pests, and cutting down on food waste. Besides, it’s the process that also makes for a safe working environment, as floors that are not cleaned frequently can get covered with grease, perfect for causing accidents, whereas uncleaned equipment can get clogged, and in need of repairs, or even replacement, more often than not.

So, where to start? First things first, you have to acquire the much needed commercial kitchen cleaning equipment, from cleaning rags, sponges, buckets, and mops, to heavy duty detergents, dishwashing liquids, grease removers, oven and grill cleaners, and stainless steel cleaners. When you are fully equipped with them, you can make cleaning your habit.

This takes instructing every employee how and what to clean, making it easier for everyone by handing out specific tasks per week, per month, and per year. For instance, while one is in charge of scrubbing the floor, others can be handed tasks to clean the sinks, faucets, coolers, grills, ovens, and coffee machines. It’s needless to say dishware, utensils, bread baskets, and the like have to be cleaned daily. Parts that require monthly cleaning are the ice machines, storage areas, and walls of course. As for a yearly basis, hood cleaning.

Along with avoiding foodborne illnesses, getting in this basic commercial kitchen habit is sure to help you avoid fines, as you’d meet the local health and safety regulations.