The War of Popular Brands: Microsoft Getting Closer to the Top Spots

Repair Microsoft Surface Screen

Tablets and iPads are slowly becoming the leading gadgets in the world of today, as the line between them and laptops is becoming more and more blurred. Many tablets now give you the option to attach a keyboard to them, so if you hate touch screens as much as I do, this is a very welcomed feature.

Nowadays, besides the iPads and Android Tablets, there’s a new kid in town, the type of kid that everybody used to hate for having a different, privileged background, but later on found out that he’s actually fun, cool and pretty friendly. That kid, in the world of computer devices, is the Microsoft Surface. Today, even the cool kids started to like him.

It comes with a wide range of RAM and processor configurations, but even the most basic model of it is decent. It’s marketed as the ultimate play and work machine and has slowly started chewing at Apple’s users, going head to head with Apple’s most premium products. One of the core values of the Surface is its flexibility as it allows it to be used as a tablet or with a keyboard – more like a laptop. It also comes with a stylus, perfect for designers, which unlike the Apple version, you don’t have to pay for.

More importantly, if you’re as clumsy as I am and tend to drop your gadgets, you can repair Microsoft Surface screen yourself (inadvisable) or take it to a professional to do the repair Microsoft Surface screen for you (highly advisable). So yes, there is a solution to this problem – don’t be tempted to just throw it in the garbage bin and spend hundreds, or thousands of dollars for a new one.

Its big screen has an extremely high resolution and it’s not wasted on a small panel like it is on smartphones. Its display usually measures 13.5 inches and it’s optimized for real work like reading, writing and coding. Moreover, it has an extremely impressive battery life and you can watch memes and videos for 12 hours before having to plug it in, which is pretty impressive.

And last but not least, it has a lot of storage, which isn’t the case with most other tablets. Even the basic models of the Microsoft Surface have 128 GB, while the high-end models have up to 1 TB of storage. So you’ll have more than plenty of space to save all the pictures and music you like. All of these features make the Microsoft Surface increasingly more popular among tablet users, and it gives Apple a legitimate reason to worry about.