The Most Popular Indoor Air Quality Meters by E-Instruments

Poor air quality can have a big impact on your health and the quality of your night’s sleep. It can cause loses of physical energy and cold symptoms, such as sniffles and teary red eyes. Besides all this, poor air quality can even cause cancer and various lung diseases. But did you know that the air in our homes can be much worse than outdoors, especially when repainting a wall? There is a big difference in the air quality between the exterior and interior, mostly as a consequence of the need of people for a safer and more secure environment.


Many home activities can deteriorate the indoor air quality, such as smoking cigarettes or cooking in the kitchen. Some Do-It-Yourself and cleaning activities can generate volatile organic chemicals that are also not very good for your health. These chemicals are also released from home building materials and even some pieces of furniture. And since we have a tendency to lock the doors and keep the windows shut most of the time, we keep the carbon dioxide in our homes for too long. If you want you and your family to be healthy, consider buying one of these 2 popular indoor air quality meters by E-Instruments.

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E-Instruments AQ Pro

Since E-Instruments is one of the most reputable manufacturers of testing equipment, the brand is top choice when it comes to indoor air quality meters. The AQ Pro, an air quality testing meter dedicated to all professionals and homeowners who seek the latest technology. This hand-held device allows the users to customize their indoor air quality monitoring to meet their own personal requirements from 1 gas measurement to 8 total gas sensors in one IAQ monitor. The AQ Pro indoor air quality meter is also able to perform real-time data logging, which can then be downloaded to a laptop or personal computer via Bluetooth or an USB cable.

E-Instruments AQ Comfort

Whether you are a professional or just a conscious homeowner, the E-Instruments AQ Comfort is one of the best indoor air quality meters you should get. This new compact tool can help you monitor the quality of the air in your home and it provides real-time data logging for IAQ analysis in homes, offices, schools, etc. The innovative AQ Comfort uses the latest technology in air quality measurements, so it can be customized with a variety of parameters and sensors. The maximum capacity of this device is 6 sensors and 6 parameters simultaneously. With a pretty large and easy to read LCD display, this hand-held indoor air quality meter is everything that you will ever need to monitor your air.