Businesses that have stockroom facilities and distribution centers, find reach trucks quite useful. The capacity of this powerful loading vehicle changes when combined with the right reach truck attachments. With the help of various attachments, operators can pick up and reposition freights, reach even the highest warehouse shelves and narrow aisles.
The question is how to find and select the right reach truck attachment? The attachments are designed to increase the overall performance of the reach truck. Simply put, attachments will change the specs of the vehicle. That’s why you need to know exactly what you plan to use the reach truck for. Here are some of the most commonly used attachments available.
Sideshift – This is the most common reach truck attachment used these days. For some models it is even considered a standard feature. The main purpose of a sideshift is make it easier for the operators to slide the fork carriage left and right for more accurate placement of the load. Chances of damaging the products are equal to zero.
Fork Positioner – Fork positioner saves time as there is no need for the operator to get off the truck every time the distance between the forks needs to adjusted. This attachment is ideal for heavy duty applications and outdoor uses. Due to its versatility, fork positioner can be used across many industries in a variety of settings.
Slip Sheet Attachment – If you are looking for a reach truck attachment that offers greater stability, choose slip sheet attachment. These thin pallet-sized sheets made of plastic or heavy laminated kraft paperboard, replace the use of the traditional wooden pallets. Thanks to the push/pull mechanism, this attachment is able to pull the load onto a thin platform and push it off of it when operator reaches the destination.
Paper Roll Clamp – This reach truck attachment is especially designed to handle large paper roll loads. It clamps the paper rolls and allows a full 360 degree rotation.
Drum Handling Attachments – Drum handling attachments come in different designs. Some are ideal for handling 55 gallon drums, but others (the same size as a paper roll clam) can only handle few drums at the same time.
Prongs – If you are looking for a specialized rod type attachment designed to pick up rolls such as carpet rolls, rolled steel or wire spools, then choose prongs. This powerful reach truck attachment is placed in the center of the spool for fast and strong mounting.
Fork Extensions – Fork extensions are designed to increase the lifting capacity of the truck. Operators will be able to pick up longer loads as fork extensions slide over the existing forks.