The Most Popular And Best Ways To Inspect A Used Car Before Buying It


If you plan to invest in a used car for the first time, then you need to take few precautions in order to make the perfect deal. If you don’t want to end up with an old junk, keep in mind to inspect the car before buying it. Some cars have hidden problems that are not easily noticeable. Thus, it is recommended to inspect the car by yourself or take for a professional pre purchase car inspection in Melbourne. Here are few things to pay close attention to when buying a used car.

Leaks and Water Damages – One of the things you need to check when shopping for a used car are oil leaks and water damages. If you don’t have the time to take the car for a pre purchase car inspection in Melbourne, place the vehicle on a flat dry surface and look under it to see if there is oil leakage. Look for any water drainage behind the wheel wells and at the base of the windshield. Also, don’t forget to check the doors and windows as well since water damage will cause rust what can certainly be a problem in the future.

Hidden Accident Damage – The best way to actually check the history of a used car is by taking it for a pre purchase car inspection in Melbourne. However, if you want to do it yourself, make sure you inspect the inner sections of the car with a flashlight. Damages from prior accidents can be well hidden, therefore, you need to pay attention to the firewall. If the car was involved in a front-end accident, you will be able to spot some firewall damages. Sometimes, people fail to spot any damages in the hinge area, but if you inspect it carefully with a flashlight, you will be able to see any signs of welding, bend hinges, rippled sheet metal or poor paint work.

Check Mileage – You will be surprised how much information you can get from the brake, gas and clutch pedal pads. Same is true for the steering wheel. With close inspection, you will be able to tell whether these parts are heavily worn out, badly cracked or scratched. The first thing you need to always keep in mind, is the mileage of the car. If that is something you know little about, take the car for a pre purchase vehicle inspection in Melbourne and have it fully inspected by a professional and experienced mechanic.

Pre Purchase Vehicle Inspection – Buying a used car requires special attention. There are few basic things you can check on your own, but to spot any hidden defects a pre purchase vehicle inspection Melbourne services is a must. You will receive a complete report of the condition of the car, and be certain if the price of the car is right. Therefore, the best way of inspecting a used car and preventing expensive future costs is by taking it for a pre purchase vehicle inspection in Melbourne.