Popular Bedroom Decor Ideas: Infusing Your Space with Character and Personality

The bedroom is the most private room in the house, and for that reason, it often becomes a place where unfolded laundry, seasonal extras and outdated decor hide from the rest of the world. But it shouldn’t be that way. The decor and design of this room shouldn’t be overlooked, regardless of whether it’s reserved for your eyes only.

Although you spend most of the time there sleeping, this nook of your home plays an important life in your waking life. To say that staying fit, healthy, productive, and efficient without proper rest is challenging would be an understatement. It’s impossible.

Therefore, your bedroom design should evoke a sense of safety and tranquillity that lures you into a peaceful slumber. Anything more or less can impede your sleep. Of course, what works for some, may not do the magic for you. That’s why it’s important to infuse your space with character and personality to make it truly your own. If you need inspiration, check out these popular ideas on bedroom design down below.

Lend a Voice to Your Walls

Think of your walls as a blank canvas, an ideal opportunity to express yourself. You can give them a clean slate with a fresh coat of paint and work your way to a custom design with paintings, photos, macrame decor and the like. If this sounds like too much work, you can always dress bare walls with designer bedroom wallpaper.

If this idea makes you think of nothing else but your old grandma’s house and her heavily floral wall coverings, you have some catching up to do. Wallpapers have made a huge comeback in interior design, making cluttered accent walls a thing of the past. Now, it’s all about incorporating colour and texture in a sleek and unobtrusive way, and installing designer bedroom wallpaper can help you do just that.

designer bedroom wallpaper

Source: thespruce.com

When shopping for wallpaper for bedroom walls, you’ll be spoiled for choice by a virtually endless pool of colour, pattern, texture and style options. Although your decision here will be mainly determined by your preference, there’s no harm in checking out some suggestions by those in the know.

Professional interior designers advise that striking and bold visuals are better suited for other parts of the home. Subtle tones and harmonious patterns that don’t fight the view work best for creating a peaceful and relaxing environment in the bedroom. This doesn’t mean that you’re left with boring options. Quite the contrary.

For instance, you can create a tropical backdrop with palm leaves wallpaper that introduces fresh vibes into the overall design without overstimulating your senses. Abstract wallpapers that match the hues of your furniture or bedding can help you achieve a well-balanced look throughout the entire space, resulting in a serene and sophisticated effect.

But why wallpaper and not paint when the second option is more affordable and easier to DIY? Is it, though? Sure, modern bedroom wallpaper designs can set you back a bit, but they last significantly longer than paint, saving you the cost and effort of buying materials and redoing the walls again in the near future.

Add Warmth to Your Floors

Adding soft, fluffy layers to your floors is how you make your bedroom feel nice from the very first moment you step inside. Deep pile carpets in rich colours can help you create a sense of comfort and luxury. If your budget doesn’t allow the installation of a new carpet, consider rugs as the more affordable option.

Ideal for infusing warmth and beauty into interiors, rugs are as versatile and practical as they come. Easier to clean and maintain than carpets, these floor coverings can effortlessly blend in or stand out in your existing decor, helping you establish a cosy environment where sweet dreams are made.

white bedroom rug

Source: rugs-direct.com

Outfit Your Bed for Style and Comfort

Updating tired bed linen is probably the easiest way to breathe new life into your bedroom. Since sheets and covers come in a huge range of colours and patterns, this is another opportunity for self-expression. If you’re looking to make a style statement, opt for a darker colour with bold details, like a black duvet cover with gold stripes or geometric shapes.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are those dainty neutral hues and soothing textures that can help you bring Hygge into your bedroom design. From crisp whites to subtle pastels and neutrals—the options are plenty and beautiful too.

Set the Right Mood

If you get your bedroom lighting wrong, everything else goes down the drain. Probably the worst thing you can do here is to have only one centralised source of illumination over your bed and a switch that’s not within arm’s reach while you’re all cuddled up.

You should choose functional, purpose-designed lighting that suits your needs and lifestyle. For instance, if you love reading before sleep, having an easily accessible lamp on your nightstand will spare you that dreaded trip to get the lights on or off. LED down lights, strip lights and track lights are also popular choices for bedroom illumination, offering great flexibility to create various effects and atmospheres.

Enchant the Ambience with Home Fragrance

A conveniently placed aroma diffuser on your dresser can serve both a decorative and functional purpose. These modern gadgets come in various styles and colours to suit different interiors. But that’s not the most important thing about them. Introducing aromatherapy in the bedroom is a simple and effective way to improve your sleep. Soothing scents like lavender and jasmine can lessen symptoms of stress and anxiety, creating the perfect ambience for that restful shut-eye.