Not Just for Kids: Popular Colouring Books for Adults Can Actually Relax Your Brain

The world around us moves fast and changes constantly. It’s true that our modern way of living is much easier in comparison with the lifestyle our ancestors had, but it is also a lot more stressful. School, work, and social activities take up a ton of energy from us, and even exercise and nutrition have become somewhat of a daily task. This is exactly why taking a timeout is important.

The world around us moves fast and changes constantly. It’s true that our modern way of living is much easier in comparison with the lifestyle our ancestors had, but it is also a lot more stressful. School, work, and social activities take up a ton of energy from us, and even exercise and nutrition have become somewhat of a daily task. This is exactly why taking a timeout is important.

As an adult, being constantly on the go and never stopping to take a breath is just a recipe for disaster. We must prioritize making time for relaxation. For some, relaxing means hanging out with friends, for others it’s reading a nice book or watching a good movie. Nowadays, there’s also the colouring in an adult colouring book as a very popular way to loosen up.

Yes, this pastime activity is not just for kids, instead there are tons of options out there that will lighten up your day and get you in a calmer state of mind. Right below you can read about the benefits the book can bring and how you can pick out the right kind for you.

How to Choose the Best Adult Colouring Book for You

Getting the right colouring book isn’t as simple. If you make the wrong pick, you might end up more frustrated rather than relaxed. So, it’s very important to take your time and choose wisely from a range of quality adults coloring books that will help you unwind and boost up your creativity.

First off, consider the difficulty. You can get a book that is meant for beginners, which is usually made of doodles with wide spaces that won’t restrict you much. An intermediate book works best for someone who likes the challenge, but also doesn’t prefer going too much into detail. Finally, an intricate colour book will be one that is made of drawings with tiny, small spaces which will require your full attention and precision.

Next up, according to the difficulty, you have to take into consideration how much time colouring might take you and what kind of colouring mediums you should choose. The higher the difficulty rank books, the more likely you will be spending a huge amount of time on them.

Getting the right colouring book isn’t as simple. If you make the wrong pick, you might end up more frustrated rather than relaxed. So, it’s very important to take your time and choose wisely from a range of quality adults coloring books that will help you unwind and boost up your creativity.

However, if you aren’t that much of a perfectionist and don’t mind stopping mid-way, time shouldn’t be an issue. The mediums that you will be using will also vary by books. Versatile adults coloring books can allow you to choose from a wider variety of crayons, watercolours, markers, pastels, and colouring pens.

Books that are more complex will definitely require you to use fine-point mediums, such as pens and hard or soft coloured pencils. Don’t forget the additional essentials you will need like sharpeners, erasers, and brushes. Lastly, pay attention to the pricing. Some colour books might come with a high price tag, but that doesn’t mean they are of great quality.

Good quality in this case is thick paper pages of the colouring books for adults to make sure your drawings don’t get ruined by watercolours or other wet mediums. Single sided illustrations are also a good choice if you don’t want the colourings to mix. You should be able to go all out and use your brushes freely.

How Adult Colouring Books Benefit Your Mental Health

Well, now that you know the basics of these books, let’s dive into the question – Are colouring books good for you? Obviously, the answer is a big yes, and here are the reasons why:

  1. They Exercise Your Brain
    Colouring within shapes and lines really stimulates both the left and right side of the brain. One side is used for activating your creative side by making you choose certain colours, while the other is mainly based on your overall focus and concentration on making sure the colours don’t go over the borders.
  2. They Reduce Stress
    This activity is widely known for being the perfect stress-reliever. It works because during the colouring process, your brain shifts its’ entire focus on one task only, which helps shut out the stressful environment around us.
  3. They Alleviate Anxiety
    Multiple studies have shown that adults who use adult coloring books tend to have lower levels of anxiety. Again, by having our brain focus on just one thing, we tend to forget about our worries. This results in us shutting out our anxiety triggers completely.
  4. They Improve Basic Motor Skills
    Since you will be needing your eyes and hands to make colouring possible, this means that this activity definitely aids in strengthening your motor abilities as well. Your hand-eye coordination will be much more on-point and your attention to detail will be well-improved.
  5. They Disconnect You
    Given that we are constantly on our phones or on other electronic gadgets, taking a time out to sit in front of a simple book can be really refreshing. It might even help to reduce your overall screen time in the future.
  6. They Allows Emotional Expressing
    These coloring books for adults can be the ideal places where we can pour our emotions in. You are the one who will decide if you want to use blue colours, green shades, or shades of red. Just lean on your feelings and let them do the talking.
  7. They Can Improve Sleep Patterns
    If you take on colouring right before bed, chances are that you will be able to dose off much faster. The various colours and shapes will tire your brain out, plus it’s a way better option than scrolling on your smart phone before sleep.
  8. They Prevent Boredom
    The good thing about adult colouring books Australia art suppliers provide is that you can take them anywhere with you, so being bored will never be an option. You can unleash your creativity in the comfort of your own home, on long bus rides, at airport waiting rooms or on flights.

The Takeaway

In conclusion, investing in such books will not only make your free time more fun, but it will also tremendously aid in treating your anxiety and stress while sharpening your sense of detail. You can even choose to display your final work in your office or living room, or benefit from the many uses of the modern shelf and stack up your finished colourful collection. So, get your brush, pencil, and paint essentials today and remember, a healthy mind means a healthy life.

In conclusion, investing in such books will not only make your free time more fun, but it will also tremendously aid in treating your anxiety and stress while sharpening your sense of detail. You can even choose to display your final work in your office or living room, or benefit from the many uses of the modern shelf and stack up your finished colourful collection. So, get your brush, pencil, and paint essentials today and remember, a healthy mind means a healthy life.