How to Choose a Washing Machine for Camping

Whether or not you need a washing machine when camping is entirely up to your personal preferences and needs. Some people may find that it is a necessary convenience while on the road, while others may be able to do without it. It ultimately depends on your individual situation and how you plan to organise your camping trip.

If you do decide that a washing machine is a necessary addition to your camping equipment list, there are many compact and portable options available that are specifically designed for camping use and for RVs. These can be found at stores that specialise in camping and RV equipment and supplies. When browsing the range of washing machines for camping, here’s what you need to know to make the right pick.

What to Consider When Buying

camping washing machiine



Manual types are the most common options used. They are typically small and portable, and they operate using a hand-cranked mechanism to agitate the laundry. These appliances are generally inexpensive and easy to use, but they can be labour-intensive and may not be as effective at cleaning clothes as other types of washing machines.

The electric types are powered by electricity, either from a generator or from an external power source. These appliances are typically larger and more powerful than manual washing machines, and they can be more effective at cleaning clothes. However, they may be more expensive and require access to a power source, which may not always be available while camping.

Gas-powered washing machines are similar to the electric type, but they are powered by a gas generator instead of electricity. These are often larger and more powerful than electric models, and they can be a good option for those who do not have access to an external power source. However, they may be more expensive and require regular maintenance to keep the gas generator running properly.

Size and Weight

Most RV owners think that size is not that important, however, it does make sense to take the size and weight of the washing machine into account, even if you are RV camping. After all, you don’t want this item to take up any more room than is really essential. Not to mention, you must take into account your ability to move, carry, and set it up.

On the other hand, when camping, it’s especially crucial to consider how portable the appliance is. Look for models that can be disassembled and packed into your bag if you’re going hiking. These typically weigh roughly two kilos and are portable enough to take with you.

Also, consider how many people will be camping with you and how often you’ll need to do laundry. A larger appliance with a higher capacity can be a better option if you are camping with a family or intend to do laundry frequently. On the other hand, a smaller, portable washing machine for camping may be more appropriate if you’re going camping alone or with a small group of people.

Load Capacity

Finding out a particular model’s load capacity is another smart move. You’ll have a better notion of what it can handle. Heavy-duty apparel, such as jeans, can be washed in models with higher capacities. They may also wash a bigger load all at once, in addition to that.

However, this does not imply that camping washing machines with smaller capacities are inferior. They are excellent if you are a lone camper or simply need to wash a few minor items. Additionally, these washing machines have a tendency to be lighter.


Different washing machines for camping will demand different amounts of water. How much water a model needs frequently depends on the size of its basin. Look for one that is a little more water-efficient if you are travelling to a distant place where water is scarce.

Some washing machines only require a few litres of water and ought to be suitable in these circumstances. Naturally, you need to look for appliances with more water capacity if you intend to wash larger loads or heavy-duty things.

To Sum Up

As you can see, when choosing a washing machine for camping, there are several factors to consider. For one, you will want to think about the size and weight of the appliance, as well as how easy it is to set up and use.

You will also want to consider the capacity of the model, as well as its power source (whether it runs on electricity or is powered by a gas generator). Other important factors to consider include the price, durability, and overall reliability of the machine. To make the best choice, it is a good idea to research and compare different models and brands, read customer reviews, and consider your own personal needs and preferences.