Hair Health: Popular Home Remedies That Actually Work

A thick, long, healthy and shiny hair is what every woman wants. It boosts self-confidence and makes you feel as if you can conquer the world. After all, life is too short to have a boring hair now isn’t it?


So, if you are having hard time dealing with your dull hair, it is time to do something about it. But forget expensive shampoos; the only thing a shampoo will do is remove the dirt and germs from your hair since they are chemically prepared hair care products which fail to nourish the hair. But don’t get your hopes down just yet. We’ve put together the best and most popular home remedies that actually work, and will help you work your way to great hair.

Egg Yolk Hair Mask

To prepare this simple mask all you need is a few eggs and olive oil.

  • Depending on the length of your hair, separate the yolks of 1-2 eggs and beat them in a bowl with a fork or a whisk until they become creamy;
  • Add two tablespoons of olive oil to this mixture and beat again so that it all blends together;
  • Before applying, wash your hair with a mild shampoo;
  • Apply the mask to wet hair gently;
  • Make sure both the scalp and the hair are covered with the mixture;
  • Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash it off.

Yogurt Hair Mask

Since yogurt contains protein, vitamins, antioxidants and calcium that nourish and moisturize hair, it is one of the best home remedies for hair growth.

  • Mix half a cup of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and another one of apple cider vinegar;
  • The amount of yogurt depends on the length of your hair;
  • After you have gently applied the mask on your hair, leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it with warm water and a gentle shampoo.

Aloe Vera Mask


The aloe vera gel has excellent cooling and moisturizing properties which prevent hair from any breakage and damage, plus it softens it. Moreover, the great effects of aloe do not stop here. It encourages hair growth and helps you get rid of dandruff. Therefore, if you are faced with hair loss, try this mask and see how it works for you. All you need to do is:

  • Blend together lemon juice and aloe vera gel in a food processor for about a minute;
  • Apply it on your hair and leave it for 20 minutes;
  • Wash hair with a gentle shampoo.

Lemon Juice

  • Due to its abundance of vitamins, applying lemon juice to your hair can have enormous benefits;
  • It significantly improves the dryness of hair, making it smoother and healthier;
  • It also plays a great role in increasing hair growth.

Coconut Milk

This is another home remedy similar to lemon juice.

  • Coconut milk conditions and nourishes hair, making it luxuriously smooth and soft;
  • Apply coconut oil to your hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes;
  • Wash it off with warm water and a cleanser. You will be amazed from the effects.