Clean Sleeping: The Popular Healthy Habit We Should All Start

Now that we’ve finally said our goodbyes to the year some jokingly called as the year George RR Martin, the author of Game of Thrones, created due to the increased number of deaths in the world of celebrities, it’s time we welcome this new year following up with our New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps 2016 was the year of healthy eating, but 2017 is the year of healthy, or as Gwyneth Paltrow calls it clean sleeping. Let’s greet this new year with a nice… nap? You got that right! What this means is something doctors have long been saying, we should all get the much needed rest and all the z’s we need every night, no excuses.


In other words, if you’re a workaholic who loves staying up late bringing working tasks home to finish off in the late hours, sorry but your life needs some drastic changes (you do want to be healthy and live long, right?). The same goes for everyone who loves staying in the company of electronics in the bedroom: this includes TVs as much as it does other kinds of devices and gadgets. If you’re not the kind of sleeper who can doze off immediately after dropping the head on the pillow, then resort to good ol’ book reading in bed. While we all try to keep up with the trend in one way or another, we often overlook a great aspect that’s essential to our comfort and proper sleep: the bedding. So, next time you blame it on the mattress, think of the bedding instead and consider organic bedding options such as bamboo cotton blanket and sheets for instance.

Bedding is just as important as the right kind of mattress and pillow, so organic materials should be your must-have, more so because all the synthetic materials we’re keen on buying contain toxins that don’t just disrupt our sleep but also cause a number of health issues. The reason bamboo cotton blanket and sheets are so good, even outmatching Egyptian cotton in softness, is because they are very breathable, hypoallergenic which makes them ideal for sensitive skin, their anti-bacterial properties make for odour-free sheets after repeated use and, most of all, they are ideal for regulating the body temperature wicking away moisture so this makes them perfect for hot sleepers too.


Another enemy of a good night’s sleep is late dinner, including midnight snacking many are guilty of, so you should forget about your bedside table full of snacks and just keep a glass of water on it. This ought to keep you hydrated and keep your stomach working when you feel like grabbing a bite. Turning to yoga and meditation before bedtime is also greatly recommended, and you can easily find the music and videos online to guide you through certain poses and relaxing breathing techniques. Clean sleeping is the kind of habit we should all keep up with as it affects every aspect of life. Once you don’t skip on it, you’re sure to notice some positive changes. After all, it’s not called beauty sleep for nothing.